Getting started with the NDIS and creating your first plan

Your first interaction with the NDIS is through the creation of your first plan. While the NDIA aims to make this process as streamlined as possible, it can still be confusing. What’s important to consider is what is missing from your current supports that would make your life easier or better, and how could you use NDIS funding to get those supports.

The NDIS process is as follows:

  1. Determine if you’re eligible for NDIS funding.
  2. Consider your current lifestyle, the support you currently have, and what is and isn’t working.
  3. Identify your goals and the type of lifestyle you’d like to have or activities you’d like to take part in.
  4. Gather all the information you need, including recommendations from treating providers and carers, and anything else to support your plan.

The NDIS focuses a lot on goals and outcomes, and if you haven’t done much goal setting in the past, it can the daunting to consider these things

While your NDIA representative can help, it’s a good idea to go to your first meeting with a few of your goals written down and the specific things you need to help you reach them. It can help to speak with your family, healthcare professionals and carers (both informal and formal), to talk about what a positive outcome could look like for you.​

For more on coming up with your goals and preparing for your first meeting, click here.