Complex wheelchair solutions
For people with more complex mobility challenges, an individualised wheelchair solution is preferable.
Complex wheelchair users often have significant mobility issues as a result of traumatic injury, neuromuscular diseases or birth disorders. For these people, the ability to completely tailor their wheelchair to suit their needs and requirements provides the optimum level of comfort and independence.
Aidacare, the parent company of MobilityHQ, provides specialised advice, service and equipment for complex wheelchair users. They have access to the leading industry brands and models, sourced from the best international providers.
Their team of consultants include qualified physiotherapists, occupational therapists, rehab engineers and field technicians. Using their years of experience and training, they identify the ideal combination of wheelchair frame and accessories to provide the best seating and positioning for the user.
To find out more about the complex wheelchair solutions, contact Aidacare on 1300 133 120 or visit the Aidacare website.