Buyer’s Guide To Mobility Scooters

A step-by-step guide to choosing the right mobility scooter for you
Mobility scooters have changed the lives of millions of people with health issues and disabilities. They allow people who may not have previously been able to travel far without assistance, to gain a significant level of independence.
They can also help to combat the social isolation and health implications of the elderly or someone living with a disability. With a mobility scooter, it’s easier to partake in daily activities and excursions. No longer does a trip to the shops or to meet a friend for coffee require a high-level of planning. Simply jump onto your scooter and away you go.
If you’re considering a mobility scooter for yourself or a loved one, there are a few things to consider. In this guide, we go over the questions to ask before deciding on a scooter. We also outline the different types of mobility scooters and the features to help find the right scooter for you.
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What is a Mobility Scooter? Can a Mobility Scooter help you? What to consider when purchasing a Mobility Scooter What type of scooter do you need? Mobility Scooter Models Using your Mobility Scooter Charging your Mobility Scooter Servicing your Mobility Scooter Staying Safe Getting Around Shop Mobility Scooters